Mid Atlantic can be easily contacted by E-mail, web page, Thomas Register, or on our toll free phone number, all of which are listed below. When you do contact us, we promise to deliver quality belting and 24 hour, 7-day a week service.
Below you will also find our mobile phone numbers in case you need to contact us when we are out of the office. Our office hours are from 8:30am to 5:00pm EST Monday through Friday, but when emergencies arise, we can be reached after hours at our personal residences. That's because when we say available.. we mean we are there to help whenever you need us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Mid Atlantic Industrial Belting 302-453-7353 15 Garfield Way Newark, Delaware 19713
Contact Us Toll Free: 800-459-7353
Fax: 302-453-8169
Rick Miller - PresidentE-mail: rmillermidbelt@aol.comMobile:302-530-2259Home: 302-239-2659Dennis Dobberpuhl - West Coast626-443-9440
| J.E. Rhoads & Sons, Inc.Tanastic BrandTexalon Brand
Contact us Toll Free: 800-459-7353Remeber to visit the NEW J.E. Rhoads & Sons website
J. E. Rhoads & Sons leather factory, Wilmington, Delaware |